Friday, October 25, 2019

Niuean Language Week !

Term 4/ Week 1 was national Niuean Language Week! Our school put together a special assembly to celebrate Niuean language week. Classes put together some items to perform during assembly, three of my classmates did a dance to represent Niue. All classes performances were really awesome, I hope to see what culture week is next...

Blog ya later :)

Athletics day !

Athletics Week 2/ Term 4 

This term Wesley intermediate had athletics day, all students had no choice but had to participate. We first started of with our 100 meter race we started by year groups so year 7 girls were first then year 7 boys, year 8 girls, lastly year 8 boys. Then we did our field events just like, High jump, Discus, shot put, and more. Then it came to class relays I was the captain so I chose our girl runners, runners were myself, Arii, Sarah and Sabrina. Athletics day was really fun for most of us, hope you enjoyed reading this :) 

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Friday, June 7, 2019

Life Education!


This term week 6 myself and Room 6 has been learning about our body in the Life Education Van. We have been learning about how our brain work's and what parts of our brains are called, we have also talked about how to calm yourself when your angry. You can keep calm by breathing in then out, also use your fingers to create the number eight when you're breathing in then out. Life education is a really helpful place to be because you get the opportunity to learn about different things.

-Blog ya later 
- Jordana

Friday, May 3, 2019

Term 2/ Week 1 

Me and my classroom has been talking and learning about Anzac day!! 
A special day where we show our love for the people who sacrificed there own life to save our country. What I know about Anzac is that the word Anzac stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corps. On Tuesday I have been cutting out Poppy's to decorate the outside of Room 6!! 
If your wondering what are Poppy's?   
There technically flowers but they represent a special day which is Anzac day!
Thanks for tuning in :) 
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